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Finding your Token and Organization Slug

You'll now be prompted to add the Token and Organization Slug.

Organization Slug

  1. To find the Organization Slug, Sign in to your Sentry account.
  2. Click on the Settings button at the left Navigation Panel. 'Click on settings button in left menu'
  3. Under General Settings, you will get your Organization Slug 'Organization Slug in General Settings'


  1. To find the Token, Sign in to your Sentry account.
  2. Click on the Settings button at the left Navigation Panel. 'Click on settings button in left menu'
  3. Under Developer Settings, click on Create New Integration. 'Click on developer settings and create new integration'
  4. Select Internal Integration and click on Next. 'Click on Internal integration and next'
  5. Enter Name and give Permissions as shown below. 'Select permissions and click on Save Changes'
  6. Click on Save Changes after selecting required permissions. 'Click on integration'
  7. Now, in Developer Settings in Internal Integration you wil find your Integration. Click on it and inside it you will find your Token at the bottom. 'Copy the access token'