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Oracle NetSuite


  • Administrator

Finding the NetSuite subdomain

Login to your NetSuite account in the browser. Check the URL of the browser for the subdomain. If your URL is something like, your subdomain will be 1234567.


Enable the REST and SOAP web services

  1. Go to Enable Features Page.
  2. Under SuiteTalk section, enable SOAP WEB SERVICES and REST WEB SERVICES.
  3. Under Manage Authentication section, enable TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION.

Create a NetSuite Role

  1. Go to Create Role Page.
  2. Enter a name for the Role.
  3. Select ALL under the ACCESSIBLE SUBSIDIARIES section.
  5. Select ALL under SELECTED ACCOUNTING BOOKS. accounting books
  6. Depending on the use-case, you can select the Permissions. You can refer the Permissions reference section below for a list of permissions for a typical accounting integration.
  7. Click Save.

Giving access to the Role to a user

  1. Select an existing user or create a new user in Manage Users Page.
  2. Head on over to the Access tab and add the role you created in the previous step.
  3. Click Save.

Creating an Integration

Next, we'll get the Consumer Key and Secret.

  1. Go to Integrations Page.
  2. Enter a name for the integration.
  3. Check TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION (under Token-based Authentication) and AUTHORIZATION CODE GRANT (under OAuth 2.0).
  4. Check RESTLETS and REST WEB SERVICES under Scope.
  5. Enter the redirect URI. If you are using Truto, you can use integration
  6. Click Save.
  7. You'll be presented with the Consumer Key and Secret. Copy and store them somewhere safe. consumer details

Creating an access token

Next, we'll create the Token ID and Secret.

  1. Go to the Access Token Page.
  2. Enter a name for the application.
  3. Select the User you granted the role to in the previous steps.
  4. Select the Role you created in the previous steps.
  5. Enter a name for the token. token
  6. Click Save.
  7. You'll be presented with the Token ID and Secret. Copy and store them somewhere safe. token id and secret

Now you have successfully generated the following information to connect to NetSuite -

  1. NetSuite subdomain
  2. Consumer Key
  3. Consumer Secret
  4. Token ID
  5. Token Secret

Permissions reference

You can use the following sets of permissions for a typical accounting integration. You can choose between read or read and write permissions.

Transactions tab

PermissionRead onlyRead and Write
Adjust InventoryViewView
Audit TrailViewView
Bill Purchase OrdersViewFull
Build AssemblesViewFull
Cash SaleViewFull
Cash Sale RefundViewFull
Check (or Cheque)ViewFull
Credit CardViewFull
Credit Card RefundViewFull
Credit MemoViewFull
Credit ReturnsViewFull
Currency RevaluationViewView
Customer DepositViewFull
Customer PaymentViewFull
Customer RefundViewFull
Deposit ApplicationViewFull
Distribute InventoryViewView
Enter Opening BalancesViewFull
Enter Vendor CreditsViewFull
Expense ReportViewFull
Finance ChargeViewFull
Find TransactionViewFull
Invoice ApprovalViewFull
Invoice Sales OrdersViewFull
Item FulfillmentViewView
Item ReceiptViewFull
Make Journal EntryViewFull
Pay BillsViewFull
Pay Sales TaxViewFull
Post Vendor Bill VariancesViewFull
Posting Period on TransactionsViewFull
Purchase OrderViewFull
Receive OrderViewFull
Receive ReturnsViewFull
Refund ReturnsViewFull
Return Auth. ApprovalViewFull
Return AuthorizationViewFull
Sales OrderViewFull
Sales Order ApprovalViewFull
Statement ChargeViewView
System JournalViewFull
Transfer FundsViewFull
Transfer InventoryViewView
Transfer OrderViewView
Unbuild AssembliesViewFull
Vendor Bill ApprovalViewFull
Vendor Payment ApprovalViewFull
Vendor Return Auth. ApprovalViewFull
Vendor Return AuthorizationViewFull
Vendor ReturnsViewFull
View Payment EventsViewView

Reports tab

PermissionReadRead and Write
SuiteAnalytics WorkbookEditEdit

Lists tab

PermissionReadRead and Write
Address List in SearchViewFull
Custom Record EntriesViewFull
Documents and FilesViewFull
Expense CategoriesViewFull
Perform SearchViewView
Tax RecordsViewView

Setup tab

PermissionReadRead and Write
Accounting ListsViewFull
Custom Body FieldsViewFull
Custom Column FieldsViewFull
Custom Entity FieldsViewFull
Custom FieldsViewFull
Custom Item FieldsViewFull
Custom ListsViewFull
Custom Record TypesViewFull
Custom SegmentsViewFull
Custom Transaction FieldsViewFull
Deleted RecordsViewFull
Log in using Access TokensFullFull
Manage Accounting PeriodsViewView
Other ListsViewFull
REST Web ServicesFullFull
SOAP Web ServicesFullFull